很久以前的一年冬至,闽南的一个城里来了三个衣衫褴褛的乞丐,他们是一对夫妇带着一个女儿。 在天寒地冻的严冬里,乞丐的妻子终于因体力不支而一病不起。 为了筹钱埋葬妻子,老乞丐只得忍痛把女儿卖给人家作奴婢。 一想到要离开相依为命的老父亲,女儿伤心得晕了过去,老乞丐连忙讨了一碗米汤,一口一口的把女儿灌醒。老乞丐又讨来了几个糯米圆充饥。 老乞丐就对女儿说:“今日离别,就像这粒糯米圆分成两半,咱们团圆的时候再吃圆子好吗?”说完,两人含泪吃完了圆子,就依依不舍的分手了。
自父女两人分手后,又过了三年,老乞丐却毫无音讯。每年到了冬至,女儿就更加的思念父亲。 她想,也许父亲现在仍穷困潦倒,不愿见面,那该如何相认呢? 她就想了个办法,对主人说:“今天是冬至,家家都吃圆子,那门神也该敬敬他。”主人同意了。她就搓了两个又大又圆的糯米圆粘在门环上,她想,这样一来,父亲回来,看到门环上的冬节圆,一定不会找错门。 誰知道,老乞丐還是沒有回來。谁知道,老乞丐还是没有回来。 第二年,女儿又把冬节圆黏在窗门、猪舍、牛舍、牛头上,寄托对父亲的思念。 左邻右舍取其团圆、吉利的含义,也照样去做。 这个习俗就这样传偏了闽南、潮汕一带。
Angie's family 搓的汤圆
只有中间那大大粒是我搓的 xD
今天都呆在家里观看Yonex Sunrise BWF World Super Series Masters Finals.
虽然不用过海过山去观赏我超爱的羽毛球比赛,但是只有十几公里的Likas Sports Complex
Malaysia’s Datuk Lee Chong Wei finally lived up to his top billing when he won the men’s singles.
The world No.1, who entered the tournament with the dubious honour of never winning a tournament when he was the top seed, beated Denmark’s Peter Gade 21-8, 21-16 in only 33 minutes. Chong Wei pocketed US$40,000 in prize money in the richest badminton tournament in the world that offered US$500,000 in cash prizes.
Malaysia’s second title came when Kien Keat-Boon Heong finally won their first major of the year to end the 2008 season on a high.
The Malaysians, who have been through a bad spell following their meteoric rise last year, were clearly delighted to have beaten South Korea’s Jung Jae Sung-Lee Yong Dae 21-18, 21-14 in only 37 minutes.
Women's doubles.
Malaysia’s third title came when Pei Tty-Eei Hui outclassed Indonesia’s Vita Marissa-Liliyana Natsir 21-15, 22-20 in 34 minutes.
It was a grand day for Malaysia as the ended the world richest badminton tournament with three titles as Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong and Wong Pei Tty-Chin Eei Hui won the men’s and women’s doubles respectively.
All of them played very well in every part of the competition. They didn't give up even though they had lost so many points and they carried through firmly to the end.
Kien Keat's nice sentence
"Maybe that is the key for us to continue doing well, Taking it easy and not worrying about the results."
Is it supposed to be taught in our education nowadays, is'nt it?
Anyway, if I have the chance, I wish I would congratz them by shaking hand so that they will feel my esteem for them from the bottom of my heart.
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