Monday, December 8, 2008

Yay, christmas is coming soon~

New look for my blog~




RoGer SooN said...

yer.chin vincent cheating with other girls eh...tell angie later...!! you die lar..!! HOHOHOHO(evil laugh)

Eddie said...

War!!! So nice!!! Christmas theme =P

Grace Jauw said...

lol. *supports roger*

papa, i cant believe you! and i didnt know u liked christmas that much. anyways, since you love christmas so much, i think i cant wait to see what kind of gifts you would buy for your FAMILY (especially daughters) lol.

ViNcEnT^^ said...

-aha, tell angie lor...haha...

-ty eddie. gifts? for me? haha...u buy for me ma...daughters need xiao shun parents eh...hehe..

Grace Jauw said...

xiao shun parents? i thought that's during fathers' day? it's christmas worr... parents have to get daughters gifts la! PAPA!! lol.